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Therapy For Anxiety

Virtual Therapy in Massachusetts

Are you exhausted by chronic anxiety?

Are you sick of overthinking?

Do you feel tired all the time from how anxiety feels in your body?

Does trying to prevent worst-case scenarios consume your life? 

Anxiety is very difficult to cope with, especially alone. Therapy can substantially improve anxiety.

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Anxiety is complex and can permeate every area of our lives.


The most common symptoms of anxiety include overwhelming and irrational worry, panic attacks that happen out of nowhere, perfectionism that leaves no room for self-compassion or mistakes, avoidance of potential trigger situations leading to lost opportunities and experiences, difficulty concentrating that interferes with work/school/parenting, irritability that strains relationships, chronic muscle tension, constant fatigue from being on edge all the time, as well as insomnia and disrupted sleep cycles that impair daily functioning.


Together, these symptoms significantly impact women's careers, relationships, parenting abilities, self-image, confidence levels, enjoyment, and overall wellbeing.


Anxiety keeps women stuck in fight-or-flight mode even when there is no real threat present.

What hasn't helped

Many women try to cope with anxiety in ways that seem logical in theory but in practice end up worsening symptoms.


Common unhealthy coping attempts include: ignoring symptoms and hoping they will just go away on their on without treatment or support, overworking themselves constantly to try to prove that they can handle things just fine, self-medicating symptoms with food, alcohol, recreational drugs, shopping splurges or endless scrolling, venting frustrations repeatedly about anxiety without solutions or taking steps to problem-solve, socially isolating themselves to avoid facing fears and end up quite lonely. Often, women get stuck thinking “I should just be able to get over this” with willpower alone which leads to harsh self-criticism when that does not happen.


These ways of coping provide only temporary, surface-level relief at best while allowing anxiety to strengthen its foothold and continue to rob women of enjoying life’s most meaningful experiences.

Women are reporting high anxiety and to find long-term releif.

There are many valid reasons women, especially millennial women, are reporting high anxiety during this time. As much as anxiety is used as a general term, women face different kinds of anxiety. Although the costs on our lives might be similar, it's important to understand some of the root causes of the presenting anxiety. 

Some of the causes of women's anxiety include adjusting to life post-pandemic, managing stress with work or school demands, coping with conflict (when all you want to do is avoid conflict), facing good and bad stress that comes with transition, coping with oppression, loss, lack of control, disconnection and isolation.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦
My Approach

The first priority in my work with women with anxiety is to normalize the experience. I provide relevant psychoeducation on the sources, clinical components, common manifestations, and most effective treatment methodologies for the kind of anxiety they are coping with.


My aim is to overwrite any assumptions about anxiety being a personal weakness or failure. Anxiety is best understood as our mind and body’s evolutionary response to perceived danger that continues activating in modern times even without actual threat present.


I provide a safe, shame-free space for women to share openly about the specific ways anxiety impacts their lives across career, relationships, parenting, self-image, lifestyle enjoyment and more.

Values exploration helps identify exactly how anxiety takes women away from what matters most while also highlighting the immense inner strength and wisdom it takes to persist despite formidable obstacles.


Our work together ultimately focuses on growing your skills to:

  • Identify & allow for all the emotions (good and bad)

  • Implement simple mindfulness practices

  • Become less reactive and attached to unwelcome thoughts

  • Reconstruct more flexible stories about yourself and others

  • Identify with clarity your values

  • Take action to live your life in connection with your values

What to Expect

After my first session with many women, the have generously shared that it was a lot easier than they thought it was going to be. It is crucial you feel comfortable with me-- otherwise we aren't going to be able to do some of the hard work of understanding your struggle. 


I draw upon a few evidence-based therapies, primarily working from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). I also use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Feminist, & Psychodynamic Theory. ACT 

Key elements of therapy include:

  • Ongoing assessment of symptoms

  • Psychoeducation on the latest clinical knowledge regarding anxiety’s causes, symptoms, manifestations as well as evidence-based treatment methodologies

  • Processing intense emotions as they arise in real-time rather than ignoring them

  • Actively challenging (with compassion) critical, anxiety-ruled thoughts and self-talk patterns

  • Reducing perfectionistic tendencies with flexibility, self-compassion and reasonable goal setting

  • Collaborating on customized coping strategies tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle

  • Fostering direct communication skills and offering vulnerability for deeper connection in relationships

  • Consistent refinement of a comprehensive, personally-relevant anxiety management approaches


My ultimate goal is collaborating with you to let anxiety know you don't need it to be in charge, you got this.  


Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or if you think working together could serve supportive in your growth process during this chapter.

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